It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
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Pools and Spas
Contact Us
- 850-227-1276 ext. 6116
850-654-9896 -
Mailing Address
2475 Garrison Avenue
Port St. Joe, FL 32456
The swimming pool and bathing place program ensures swimming pools and bathing places, regulated by the FL DOH in Gulf County. Swimming pools, water parks, and bathing places, which are open to the public, are permitted and inspected. Water is tested for proper levels of sanitizing and balancing chemicals, such as chlorine levels and pH. These inspections are conducted twice a year at a minimum.
Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Places
Public swimming pools, spas, interactive water features, wading pools, and special purpose pools are permitted annually and inspected to reduce the transmission of waterborne illness and injuries to patrons. Routine inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with state standards. Bathing places are monitored for water quality.
Governor Scott signed HB1263 on April 27, 2012 which eliminated the Department of Health's ability to review and approve new construction plans and modifications for public pools and spas. These changes are reflected in Chapter 514, Florida Statutes (F.S.) and mandates that Florida's County and City building departments are now responsible for these approvals.
The U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission's website
provides important information about the Federal Virginia Graeme Baker Act - a 2009 federal law passed to prevent pool entrapments and drowning. Below are informational videos available on their site for your viewing:
"Got it Covered" provides safety information for Lifeguards about entrapment and drowning prevention. You can view the video at
or order a hard copy by emailing This terrific new video was created by the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals in cooperation with CPSC.
"Guidance to Compliance" is CPSC's 8-chapter training video for the proper inspection of pools and spas for compliance with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act. This is available at
or in hard copy and can be ordered at
Public swimming pools, spas, interactive water features, wading pools, and special purpose pools are permitted annually and inspected to reduce the transmission of waterborne illness and injuries to patrons. Routine inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with state standards. Bathing places are monitored for water quality.
Governor Scott signed HB1263 on April 27, 2012 which eliminated the Department of Health's ability to review and approve new construction plans and modifications for public pools and spas. These changes are reflected in Chapter 514, Florida Statutes (F.S.) and mandates that Florida's County and City building departments are now responsible for these approvals.
The U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission's website

"Got it Covered" provides safety information for Lifeguards about entrapment and drowning prevention. You can view the video at

"Guidance to Compliance" is CPSC's 8-chapter training video for the proper inspection of pools and spas for compliance with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act. This is available at

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